Take-Out Double


This page is concerned with a specific sequence:  Opponent opens 1 in any suit and partner Doubles. This is a 'T-O Double' made in 2nd position.

The following treatment of a T-O *  is an entirely novel approach  - very different to the classical approach that has curiously barely changed over 40 years!

Conditions to be satisfied when making a T-O *

A T-O Double can be (12)-(15) HCP with some restraints, or (15)16+ mandatory unless
. In every case as long as no other more specialised BETA bid fits: principally 2-suited overcalls or our 1NT multi.

A 12-15HCP T-O * FORCING, usually promissing 3+ card support for all unbid suits -  some leniency is allowed:
It is important that a T-O double is NOT applied if any of the following more specialised bids is available. BetaAcol provides the following: A Take-out double is strictly FORCING

Beta uses a lower minor response to indicate weakness - a negative - when RHO passes:
E.g. 1 - * - P - 1     OR    1 - * - P - 2  This mechanism gives the Doubler confidence of getting a chance to make a further bid. This allows the doubler to make a simple double  on semi balanced hands up 22HCP! Balanced game going hands should use our multi 1NT o'call and 2D rebid.
Responder may  PASS if RHO bids anything at all  E.g. 1-*-2-P  unless he has  the 2 unbid suits and 8+  bid  3♣ -.showing Clubs and Spades at least 4-4. The complete possibilities are given below.
In practice there is a good probability that this negative bid can be Natural! don't bank on it but probability favours it. In certain circumstances Doubler's or responders best action may be to consider to PASS! This is indicated in the text in certain situations when Major and NT prospects look poor,

Our Guiding Principles - Responding to a T-O *
Weak 2 openings & our Rubinsohl based defence and provision for penalty doubles

See our defence to weak 2's.