To be more precise: this is a much modified
Rubinsohl convention, a somewhat simplified version. (With more similarity with
Sheinwold's Grubinsohl). Simplified as we do not employ Rubinsohl suit bids at the 2-level.
BETA extends RUBINSOHL to show either a single suited hand 6+ or a 2-suited 5-5+ or better.
Rubinsohl bids are employed in 2nd position following 5 situations:
Weak 2's
A 3C pre-empt BUT not over higher pre-empts
Rubinsohl is employed in the 4th position following a 1♣...2♠ opening bid by LHO
Employed when partner opens 1NT and RHO intervenes at the 2-level.
Rubinsohl bids may be defensive or aggressive. Aggressive when the Rubinsohl bidder rebids.
Rubinsohl is a system of transfers. It has 2 serious advantages over
One is that a suit is immediately
known to partner [in
Lebensohl only the rebid after 2NT declares the suit - and then only if opponents permits it!
A 2nd advantage is that the transfer forces the opening lead to the opening bidder.
Now in BETA we add a further ability to RUBINSOHL to show a second
higher ranking
suit promising a two- suited hand 5-5+ or better - to achieve this the
first transfer is made for the lower ranking suit and the the 2nd
suit, a higher ranking suit, is then declared.
Over an opponents opening of 1NT either in 2nd or 4th position BETA uses CDH in conjunction with Rubinsohl.
We use T-O or penalty doubles alongside Rubinsohl. [Original Rubinsohl advocates
penalty doubles throughout, also so does Sheinwold]. The debate of
Take-out versus
penalty oriented
double is still out! My view is more one for Take-out with IMP scoring
penalty oriented is better in IMPSwith match point
scoring. Our BETA preference is for our T-O Double to be
penalty oriented over weak 2's specifically in the
cases where opponents are vulnerable
(the value of a 200 penalty!) --- and more T-O oriented if opponents
are non-vulnerable when a 100 penalty could be bettered by making either 2Ma or 3mi
BETA-Rubinsohl basics:
bid the suit below (2NT for clubs) a 6+ card suit,
asking partner to bid our suit (PASS is not permitted even if you
prefer to play in partner's bid suit - exception if your RHO intervenes
with any suit bid of course!).
transfer to any real suit bid by or implied by an opponent is a
'Stayman' showing a 4+ card solid guard and a higher ranking 5-6 card
Double is used as a T-O in Betaacol with a tendency for penalties if opponents are vulnerable.
is a transfer to 3NT - a somewhat rare bid! Promises a good guard and
(19)20+ HCP and a flattish hand - partner may make a TOD, pass or bid his 6+ card suit especially if
extremely weak.
After a rubinsohl transfer to a previously unbid suit is completed further bids may be made!
A new suit at the 3-level indicates a 5-5 or better hand (possibly negating the initial promise of 6 cards).
Raise to game
transfer to the opponents suit indicates a solid guard in the opponents
suit. Partner: should complete this transfer too. Then partner will
then show a higher ranking suit - partner can bid PASS, bid 3N or raise
the suit.
2nd variant of this occurs when the partner's suit is lower ranking
than the opponents - then he first transfers to his suit then bids the
opponents suit then announces his suit 5+ card suit
When your on the attACK!
In rare
occsions partner may break the transfer when holding game or slam
values (as simply accepting the transfer is likely to end the bidding)
Any new suit below game is an 'advance cue-bid' and agrees the suit implied by partner and TURBO follows with slam intentions. Valid over 2N¦3C¦D¦H.
Game bids are to play. Not interested in slam. (although partner may have other ideas!)
Over 2NT bid 4C forcing if strong enough for game or slam as partner can pass 3♣.
But cue-bid is prefered in any new short suit over partner's 2NT
call suggests at least certain game values in the bid suit AND also playable in 4♣. This especially valid with a good 6 card Major suit. If partner reverts to 4 or 5 Clubs: its to play.
Alternatively a direct bid of 3NT (over any bid is to play.
Following partners 3♠ transfer request to bid 3NT. Rebids:
4♣ continuation is suggestive of a NT slam asking partner to bid suits 'up the line' also 4NT RKCB
Any unbid
new suit, including Spades, would show possible interest for game in
that 6+ card suit with good guard in opponents suit also confirmed.
Bidding opponents suit shows at least game values 5 card suit in highest unbid major = responder selects major game or 3NT
PASS to play
Rubinsohl is employed in the following 5 situations:
Defending a 3 preempt or a weak 2 in ♥♠♦ in 2nd position - (against 2♣| precision too if agreed)
Defending opponents 1NT opening of any strength
When partner opens 1NT 12-14 and opponents interferewith double or any 2-level suit bid or conventional bid
When opponents make a weak jump overcall at the 2-level in ♥♠♦
In the protective position with good 1- or 2-suited hands. over 1 or 2 level LHO openings.
Rubinsohl is not used in the 2nd position:
Over 3-level pre-emptive openings - but an exception is made see above over a 3 weak opening.
Over a weak 2 if a penalty * is more suitable.