1 ♣! 12-18 HCP Note: 1 ♣ is strictly 12+ , responder must reply at the 1-level if holding a 4+ card Major
. 1♦ 4+ Hearts 4+ HCP – 4+ Spades is not excluded
. 1♥ 4+ Hearts 12-14-(15) HCP - FIT.
. . 1♠ Responder shows 4-4 or better in Majors
. . 2♠ double fit Forcing
1N 12-16 with mandatory 2♣ inquiry with 9+ HCP
. .
2N 17-18 forcing
. . 3N To play
. . 2¦3¦4♥ Limit bids: 6+ Hearts: To play
. .
3mi Cue-bids game forcing
. 2♥ 4+ Hearts (15)16+ DP - Forcing fit
. .
PASS 0-5!
. . Limit raises based on DP
. .
4mi SWISS solid raise to game & balanced hand - no S|V
. .
3New Suit Game Forcing - invokes cue-bidding
OR direct closure
. 1♠ 4 Spades 0-3 Hearts 12+ HCP
. . 2♠ responder at least 4-4 in majors
. . 2♦! Shows 5 card Hearts [looking for a 5-3 heart fit]
. . 2♥ To Play, 6+ cards weak < =9HCP
. .
2 ♣ 10+ 'Inverted' 4+ Clubs, 10+ HCP
. .
3 ♣ Weak, 5+ Clubs , some distribution, <=9HCP
. . 1N <=9 HCP
. . 3♦ (9)10+ 5+ diamonds
. . 3♥ 6+ cards (9)10+ HCP
. .
3¦4 4+ Spades, Natural, limit bids, over any intervention distributional raises
. . 2N is Trustcott over intervention, Spade fit to at least the 3-level (based on DP)
. . 2N no intervention 10+HCP, Natural Balanced, 3433 or 34{42} Note: always 3 Spades
. .
4mi SWISS Balanced solid raises to game
. 1N 12-16 HCP Balanced: i.e. 3-3-{3-4} or {3-3-2}-5
. . 2♦! Re-transfer to hearts - Shows 5 card Hearts <9HCP
. . 2♥ To Play 6+ cards <9HCP
. . 2 Shows 4+ Spades in addition to Hearts already shown <9 HCP
. . 2 ♣ Crowhurst Inquiry - 9+ HCP Adapted responses in 1 ♣ sequences:
. . . 3 card partner's Major
. . . 4 card Hearts (partner showed 4+ Spades)
. . . 2♦ min 12-14,
. . . 2N: (14)15: Balanced
. . . 3♣!: 16HCP Balanced
. . . 3♥ 15¦16 3 card Heart support or 4 card Hearts if partner showed 4+ Spades
. . . 3 15¦16 3 card Spade support
. . . 3♦: 4 card diamonds
. . . 3!: 5+ card clubs (as 4 card Majors would already be expressed instead of 1N).
. . . PASS
. . 2N Invitational - opening values balanced
. 2♣ 5+ Clubs Natural
. 2♥ To Play 6+ cards
3|4♣ Raises natural limit bids.
. . 4 card Diamonds , denies 5+ Clubs
. . 2♠ 4+ Spades 4+ Clubs (15)16+ 4-5 LTC
. . 2N 17-18 HCP Balanced - Natural continuations: 3N to play, 3♥ rebid 6+ card suit weak, other 3-level bids Forcing
1♣ 1♥ 4+ Spades 4+ HCP – 0-3 Hearts
. 1♠ shows 4+ card Spade fit 12-14-(15) HCP, 0-3 Hearts
. 2♠ 4+ Spades (15)-16+ HCP
. 1N 12-16 HCP 3-3-3-4 or 3-3-2-5 denies 4 card Diamonds (see 2♦)
. . 2♣ Crowhurst Inquiry.9+ HCP Otherwise: PASS, 2♦ 5+ cards, etc
. 2♣ 5+ Clubs Natural
. 2♦ 4 card Diamonds , denies 5+ Clubs
. 2♥ 4 Hearts & 5+ Clubs
` . 2N 17-18 HCP Balanced
. 3 ♣ 6+ Cards, 15+ HCP
1♠! (9)10+ denies any 4 card major
. 2 ♣ Natural 5+ Cards 12-14
. . 2♦ 5+ Diamonds
. . PASS
. . 3♣ fit
. 2♦ 4 Diamonds. 12-14 HCP.
. . PASS Implies some Diamond support
. . 3♣ 5+ Clubs unbalanced
. . 3♦ 4+ Diamonds unbalanced
. 2N min balanced,
. . 3N to play,
. . 2Ma either responder's major rebid 5+ cards or otherwise a guard;
. 1N 12-16 Balanced indicates 7 cards in Majors {34}
. . 2♣ inquiry 9+
. . . 2♦ 4 cards Diamonds
. .
. 2Ma natural 12-14
. . . 3♣ 16 HCP
. .
. 3Ma natural 15-16
. . . 2N 14-15
. . PASS
. . 3♣ 5+ Clubs <9 HCP
. 2N Balanced Natural. 17-18 CP
1C 1N 5-8(9) denies any 4 card major EXCEPT OVER 1S by opponent when it shows 9+ continuations as for 1S response.see above
. PASS nothing to say
. 2 ♣ To play 5+ Clubs
. 2♦ 17+HCP 0-4 Diamonds Forcing unbalanced
. 2N: Both major guards unbid majors and necessary strength
. 2Ma: Guard or 5+ Cards
. 3mi 5+ Cards
2♦ 5+ Diamonds. Denies any other suit. (9)10+ HCP
2♥|S (15)16+ & quality 5 or 6+ Card Major
2N Balanced 'Baron' – suits bid 'up-the-line' (15)16+ HCP - can show a good 3 card major guard en-route
1C-1N: Strength showing intervention
*: 10+HCP & an unspecified 4 card major - opener may Pass for penalties, bid his major if any OR bid 2 ♣ with 5+ cards
2N: 5-5 in minors 8+HCP NOT Trustcott
2 Level weak interventions
2-level suit overcalls, 5+ cards
* Shows 10+HCP - The suit below!
2N-3♥: Rubinsohl transfers , shows a Good 5+ Card Suit, transfer to opponents suit shows 4 card in highest unbid Major