Trustcott Convention

Note: This text concerns its usage in Betaacol ONLY
This convention is also known as Jacoby

It is used to show a solid raise of partner's opening bid or overcall to at least the 3-level following an intervention by your RHO. It will imply 4+ card support and solid values - it does not imply anything at all about the opponents intervention suit

Trustcott is NOT used in these 3 cases of support showing.
  1. On pre-emptive values. [Direct jumps after intervention are used in Beta as distributional and of a pre-emptive nature]
  2. Not used if opponents did NOT intervene with 4+ card support make limit raises
  3. If game is in sight consider 2NT response without opponent intervention and with any balanced hand - this is BARON and game forcing.- bid suits up-the-line , aim to decide on a NT or suit game contract. To rebid partners suit shows a limit bid at 3 or 4 level, however openr may take things further
  4. With a good side suit show it - a change of suit is to be considered as forcing for one round - this can be a DGR sequence - the next bid must revert to partner's in this case. [Note a simple rebid of your previous response in Beta shows a 6+ card suit in a weak hand <9HCP and distributional values].
Our usage of Trustcott is also valid in these 2 cases:
  1. It is used in responding to both Major and minor openings over an opponent intervention
  2. It can be used over a 1|2-level o'call  to show a fit and a solid raise to at least 3-level in partner's opening suit. Only a truly minimum partner would NOT continue to game. Any new from partner is a cue-bid.
A valuable convention - use whenever available - and partner must be able to 'trust' that it is based on sound values - usually opening values!