

Cue bidding may be initiated in any sequence once a trump suit is agreed. There are important exceptions of cue-bidding:
Note:  once cue-bidding is initiated  TURBO automatically follows. NEVER BLACKWOOD.

Guiding Rules of Cue-bidding

Key definitions:
Primary suit: the agreed TRUMP suit (the denomination of the final contract)
Secondary suit another suit shown in the early round, usually in the first rounds of the bidding by the partner of the eventual declarer
Tertiary suits: the other 2 suits

1. The first rule is to announce cue bids with minimum of passed over bids: Law of Conservation of bidding space.
2. A corollary of the first rule implies a second rule: that any bid passed over, is an indication that it had ' had no valid cue-bid that could be made at that moment. (if it possesses a 2nd round control in a suit  in a suit that partner  subsequently exposes a 1st round control  then  he  may subsequently declare his 2nd round control  if the chance becomes available later on.
3. Cue-bids may be made in the secondary suit may also be Ace or King BUT King must not be shown before the Ace is shown or at the 1st opportunity.
4. Reverting to the primary (agreed) suit at the game level or beyond denies the Queen of trumps - this does not necessarily end the auction. Partner may reopen the cue-bidding sequences right through to the end of the 5th level.
5. Cue bids in tertiary suits, often shorter suits, may show  Voids or Singletons  as well as Ace or King below game level however above game level it must be a first round control unless a previous cue bid is known to have announced a 1st round control (these by same bidder)
6. Cue bids made at the 5-level must be either a 1st round control in a suit not previously cue bid OR a 2nd round control in any suit other than the primary suit . e.g. a singleton ace.
8. On normal cue-bidding sequences at least 4 cue bids are usually possible below 4N. A player reaching and bidding 4NT shows an EVEN number of  KEY cards. By bypassing 4N and bidding a further control EXCEPT in the agreed suit shows an ODD number of key cards and now a further control. Returning to the agreed suit is a mechanism to deny the Queen of the agreed suit.
9. Cue bids are never made in the primary suit by the holder below 4N. However his partner may cue-bid any key cards in the primary suit. However above 4N he may bid the agreed suit to deny the Queen of trumps. Again this is not necessarily the end of bidding - partner may continue to slam or feven a further cue-bid.
10. Only use the the return to the agreed suit to deny the Queen when you believe you have reached the final level. But your partner is free to continue to  higher level.  In these cases you may revert back always to the agreed suit if calling a halt.

The bid of 4N by either player is TURBO and will show a total EVEN Key Cards 2,4  or  possibly 6 Key cards. These are Aces & Kings of primary and secondary suits & Aces or voids of tertiary suits. Its the total held and some may not be shown as yet.
 WHILE bypassing 4N shows an ODD number of total key cards one of which may not as yet been cued BUT must now be shown immediately above 4N or reverting to the agreed suit to deny Q of agreed trump suit and suggest bidding summit is reached for you - again partner may have more to say.

Cue bidding above level of game in the agreed suit

Now the eligibility of cue bids is tightened - this applies to both Major & minor slam bidding:
After absorbing cue bidding theory given above, please now examine  TURBO bidding BETA style in more detail.