5+ - 5+
This convention provides specialised sequences for accurate bidding of hands with 2 suits of 5 or more cards & <7LTC.
♦ ♣ ♥ ♠
are 6 sequences that BETA
provides starting with the opening bid to announce hands with 2 5+ card
In BETA the following strong hands are absolutely NEVER to be considered as 5-5+ hands:
- BETA's 2Ma Opening
- This bid caters for either. A 6+ card Major or a 5+ card Major with a 4 card side suit.
- Requires an LTC <=5
- 2♣ This bid is for either:
- Balanced hands with 23+ HCP
- Unbalanced Single-Suited hands with <= 3.5 LTC
Counting LTC of 5-5+ hands
In each suit of 5 or more cards count 1LTC for each A or K or Q missing
Thats uo to 3LTC in each of your 5+ cards suits
In each of the short suits:
A Void or singleton A count 0LTC.
Other singletons count 1
Doubletons count 1 for each A or K missing
Tripleton: count 1 for each A,KorQ missing ; count 1 for each missing A or K or Q
Arrival Routes from Opening bid
- 3♣ opening bid: Shows 5+-5+ or better in Red Suits
- 3♦ Shows 5+-5+ or better in Majors
- 2♦ Opening and a 3♣ or a 3♦ rebid: showing 5-5+ in Clubs & Hearts OR Diamonds & Spades
1♠ or 1♦ opening and a 3♣ rebid with or without a jump! showing 5-5+ in Spades & Clubs or Diamonds & Clubs
te: a 2♣ rebid shows 5|4 cards.
Pls Take
note that jump responses to the 3 level in a new suit are Break-outs with long suits.
Also: 1mi - 3mi (same minor are also
pre-emptive in nature - part of the inverted minor convention.)
Also: 2Ma - 3mi shows 6+ card minor weak also denies Major support
Also: 2D - 3mi shows 6+ card minor weak
Remember in BETA that any response in a new suit bid without jump is to be considered
forcing for 1 round. [This is BETA's change of suit rule enforced as
we have long abandoned the classical rebid 'reversing values']. Paired with this is
the usage of BETA's Forcing Negative Double which we can use freely in
our auctions -
Arrival routes by means of o'calls
- Cue-bid: Highest 2 unbid suits
- 2N: Highest + Lowest unbid suits
- 1N: followed by a 3mi rebid : lowest 2 unbid suits e.g. 1any(opp)-1N-P(opp)-2C(relay)-2H(strong) & 3C(weak)
c) Shown By 3mi jump overcalls <= 5LTC
- Jump minor cue-bid: Shows BOTH Majors e.g. 1♣(opp)-3♣ or 1♦(opp)-3♦
- 1Any(opp) - 2N Jump overcall: SHOWS the lowest unbid minor & the highest unbid Major e.g. 1♦(opp)-2N shows Clubs & Spades & 6|7 LTC. 1♠(opp)-3mi shows the minor and the highest unbid Major (hearts in the example) <=5LTC.
d) Shown by a 1N overcall and 2♥ rebid <= 5LTC
- The 2 lowest unbid suits. Ex: 1♦(opp)-1N-2♣(partner)-2♥ rebid Shows Clubs & Hearts
BETA's 55+ convention now Kicks in following any of the above introductory sequences AUTOMATICALLY.
Note: Following all the above sequences showing 5-5 or better the responder is considered to be fully in control.
Only the
responder has the responsibility of choosing the denomination and level
of the final bid. The 5-5 holder is expected to accept this with the
possibility ONLY with good reason to increase the level BUT NEVER the
Responder's 1st decision to be made:
decision: Consider if at least game is probable, is there a reasonable
possibility of a slam to be bid? If there is: issue a 3NT key
distributional inquiry bid,
else bid game directly if that's the limit of the hand as you see
it. Nevertheless making a 3NT request in most cases
makes sense when your intention is a Major
game. When heading for a minor game bidding bidding of the preferred
minor gives partner the message to consider game if he has that
necessary extra!
If game is not in sight: aim to close the bidding
safely at the 3-level. [Partner will have an option to continue to game if
holding additional values compared to those shown so far:- just bid the chosen suit without jump.
very rare occasions neither of partners suit is fitted to your hand BUT
you hold a 7+ card suit:- Beta allows you a breakout option to bid your suit
- not one of the 5-5 suits partner declared to close the bidding. Very frequently it will
work out better to go for a break-out!
- Stop the bidding at the
3-level in one of partner's named suits - if choosing a minor it
may be best to PASS and let it be played at the 3-level .
- Bid Major|4 minor game (in this case responder shows NO interest in a slam BUT open on a game contract)
- A Breakout in a new suit of 7-8+ cards and firmly denies any real support for either of partners suits or Hx even.
- Close the auction by choosing either of the 2 suits exposed
at the 3 or 4 level (minor) - and partner may make a further simple raise to
game WITH GOOD REASON. BUT be sure there is no chance whatsoever of a slam before taking this action!
- Make a 3NT forcing inquiry to investigate the hand further by obtaining additional distributional information! This 3NT bid may neverbe
passed - your reply gives valuable distributional information that
allows your partner to observe how the hands fit together.
Responding to our 3NT inquiry:
- The four normal response steps to a 3NT inquiry without intervention in preferential order are:
- 4♥: Shows 5+-5+ and a void or Ace singleton in the lower unspecified suit & max 2 losers in the other suit - see note below
- 4♠: Shows 5+-5+ and a void or Ace singleton in the higher unspecified suit & max 2 losers in the other suit - see note below
- 4♣: Shows 5-5 and a singleton OR void in the lower unspecified suit
- 4♦: Shows 5-5 and a singleton OR void in the higher unspecified suit
- Note: the admission of certain 5-5-[3-0] on condition of max 2 losers in the 3 card suit. Also 5-5-[2-1]
- distribution on condition of a singleton A. These admissions increase the frequency of 4H|S responses...reducing frequency of 4C|D responses.
- Note: if 6-5 its automatically true however with a 5-5 any 3 card suit must hold an A or K to qualify to qualify for a 4H|S response.
- One should make your usual response to a 3N inquiry if available. if opponent intervenes with a bid: Instead:
- Still bid 4♥|♠ if available - If they bid 4♠: * means you Meant 4♥ & PASS indicates you meant 4mi.
- If they bid 4♦ * indicates you meant 4♣. If they bid 4♣ and you meant to bid it just PASS - all others bids are available.
- PASS if intended to bid 4♣ and * if intended to bid 4♦ - responder should now choose the suit of his preference or make a 4N! inquiry with slam intent
- 5♦ Shows 4|5LTC + no loser in higher unspecified suit
- 5♥ Shows <=3LTC + no loser in lower unspecified suit
- 5♠ Shows <=3LTC + no loser in higher unspecified suit
Now a Second decision has be made:
Following the 3N 'shape' inquiry which determines shape
information - essentially where the shortage is.
This key information gives a strong insight into how the two hands fit together.
it appears that there are 2 losers: bid 5 of your preferred suit.
Partner may adjust only with good reason: e.g. you are 6-5-1-A
partner will think you have 2 losers in D's this could be a good reason
to raise the 'final' contract 1-level....
Bid 4N to
request a precise LTC count from partner if you are confident the total loser tally is <=3.
Responding to our 4N inquiry
- Responses are a countdown from the known LTC maximums
- Most 5-5 are bid with min of <=7 LTC tag: 3mi openings; 1N o'call + rebid of 3mi; 1♠|1♦ opening & rebid of 3♣; cue bid : 2 highest unbid
- A few are bid with
a <= 5LTC tag namely: [3mi jump overcalls the minor bid
& highest unbid Major; also 1N o'call + rebid of 2♥: 2-lowest; jump cue 2 highest unbid]
- 5♣=7 or 5
- 5♦=6 or 4
- 5♥=5 or 3
- 5♠=4 or 2
- 5N=3 or 1
- Now you have had the distributional information and one can now adjust the above figures with your own covers
- any A|K|Q in either of the 2 long suits or a known tripleton need to be deducted
- also any A|K you hold in a partners known side suits of 2|3 cards can be deducted
- also an A held in a known singleton can be deducted
- An ace in a known void is potentially useful to eliminate a loser from a doubleton or tripleton
- Also a K in a side suit is a potential reduction of a loser too.
- When
you have 6-5 or 6-6 or 7-6 one is likely to have discards from the
non-trump suit that can aliminate secondary losers from short suits
THAT are covered with an Ace.
- The best way to figure
out things is to imagine how the two hands interact with eachother
and even how the play will go.- by combining the information
given for 3N & 4N inquiries and the highest LTC count associated
with the 2-suited call..
- Responder has to analyze to figure the likely outcome. Working on the
distributional information one first determines the losers in the
external suits compared with your holdings (A|K)
- Responder
then calculates the LTC in the two key suits & his cover in them
counting 1 for any A|K|Q held in either suit. Although we count Q's iin
the principal suits we also realise a Queen can be finessed (50%) with
suitable placed J's ONLY if considering a small slam - where we allow
going for 50% probability - but not in the case of a grand!
- This gives rise to the final combined LTC and thereby deducing the maximum bidding level feasable.
A final asking bid of 5N can be made on known 6-5 or better hands ONLY
you will be asking about the LTC in the other 2 suits ONLY when
distribution is known to be 6-5 or 6-6 or 6-7!
- 6C shows 1 LTC
- 6D shows 0 LTC
This will give you two pieces of further deduction:
- The split of the 4N provided LTC between the 2 long suits and the short suits yielding a count of losers in the short suits
- Therefore number of potential losers in the 2 long suits becomes known too.
These refinements should enable one to make a shrewd decision on chances of a grand etc!
WORD. This now needs a good workout in the field. We will learn the
strengths and weaknesses which could lead to further innovation.
Remember a 6 level contract is worth bidding on a known 50%+ chance.
However a 7 level contract needs to be 75+%
Handling Intervention
occasions an opponents intervention may lie beyond your intended
3N or 4N asking bid - now a 3N inquiry is announced by a *|**.
Opener replies as normal in 4 steps. Similarly interference blocking a 4N inquiry is signalled by *|**
opener has seen a 3N bid or * by his partner and an intervention
is made by an opponent the four steps follow our usua standard in
conventional situationsl::
remark never respond 4N or 5N without passing through 3N & 4N.
Responder should treat these bids if they occur by choosing his
preferred suit at the next level. [preference given first to the
longer suit and tf equal in length then show the suit with the
lower LTC].