TRAP is our defence to 16+ strong artificial openings
The most common usage is against strong Club systems such as Precision.
These are direct overcalls of any strong 1! openings:
Double Shows a Heart suit. 5+ cards 1
Shows a Spade suit. 5+ cards The next three are CRM style: 1
Shows two suits, either both red
or both black 4-4 or better 1
Shows two suits, either both
Majors or both minors 4-4 or better 1NT
Shows either Clubs & Hearts OR
Diamonds & Spades 4-4 or better The next four bids show either a 6 card in the NEXT suit OR both the two suits after that: 2
Shows 6+ Diamonds OR both Majors 5-5 2
Shows 6+ Hearts OR both black
suits 5-5 2
Shows 6+ Spades OR both minors
5-5 2NT
Shows 6+ Clubs OR both red suits 5-5 Other bids are found in other texts but the above is sufficient.
In all of the above responder relays with the next suit - If and only if the RHO passes
This can be adapted over an ACOL 2 to be played by agreement only as follows: *
Shows 6+ card Heart suit 2 Shows 6+ card Spade suit 2
Shows both RED or both BLACK suits 5-5 2
Shows both Majors or both minors 5-5 2N
Shows 2 suits
mixed - + OR +