Splinter Bids in BETA
♣ ♥ ♠ ♦
Note: In Beta ACOL direct splinter bids over a 1Ma opening are NOT used.
In their place we prefer SWISS bids, DGR
sequences, direct limit raises, 2NT Baron with strong balanced
hands with 2|3 card support, TRUSTCOTT with solid raise to at least the
3-level with 4+ card support, limit raises over intervention with more
diistributional hands.
Instead, with some distribution, we take the opportunity to show the
responder's primary suit, usually 5+ cards. [a 4 card major may
be shown at the 1-level] intending to return to partners major at the
3|4 level as appropriate.
This change of suit is forcing and valuable knowledge for opener when
subsequently required to judge game/slam posiibilities. This follows Fantoni's statement
that it is imperative for a partnership to show their respective suits
early in any auction. Thus we feel direct splinters are contrary to
this guiding principle.
Therefore responder shows his support through delayed game raise (DGR) sequences.
Balanced hands can be shown with a 2N response (16+HCP)
may use a single gump in his suit with 16+HCP & when NOT possessing
more than a doubleton support for partner's opening suit.
The picture is entirely different when opener wishes to show at least
game values in partners response suit, whether a Major or minor suit, with a double
jump in a shortage. E.g 1♣ - 1♦ - 3♥! or 1♥ - 2♦ - 4♠! or 1♦ - 1♠ - 4♣ . These are genuine Splinters.
Note: Splinters directly initiate Cue-Bidding.
good moment to remind one that in Beta a single jump rebid by
OPENER in a 3rd suit shows (15)16+ HCP. Also this announces
a short suit of 2-3 cards with usually 2 top honours. (It also implies
your opening suit to be a rebiddable suit AND also denies holding a 2nd
suit. It suggests at most minimum support for partners suit. Do
not make this bid without honours! Perhaps a special case: a singleton
ACE is acceptable and your suit will be (6)7 cards, still deny a 2nd
suit, and at most 3 card support for partner.
Opener can also use our style 'mini splinters' to show his strength
(15)16+ and distribution single-suited - also confirms his suit as 5+
cards - by making a single jump in an unbid short suit
of (1), 2 or 3 cards. This suit must contain A and preferably
a second top honour. Therefore it strictly denies 4 card support for partner but does not deny
a 3 card support - which partner would show at his next bid unless
direction of bidding is changed - e.g responder opts for a NT game (then
he would not likely to have 5 cards in his suit nor would he have support for
your primary suit) or game in your suit etc.
Bidding the 4th suit is forcing but at the same timeis an inquiry
looking to resolve a possible fit for his suit or a NT game or a move
towards an eventual slam.
These mini splinters made on usually on 5332 distribution, compliment our non-forcing 2Ma openings where a 5-4 minimum distribution is required.