SLAM Bidding


The meaning of a BETA 4NT bid depends entirely on the CONTEXT of the 4NT bid.

'Quantitative' 4NT announces a combined partnershgip count of 30 +|- 1

A direct Jump to 4NT following partner's NATURAL and BALANCED  1|2|3 NT bid or with a specific 2 point range.
(i) 1NT(opening) -  4NT
(ii) 2NT(Opening) -  4NT
(iii) 2-2Ma!-2NT(19-20) - 4NT
(iv) 2-2NT (12+) - 3NT(19-20)!-4NT
(iv) 2Ma-2NT!-3any-4NT [Assumes 2Ma opening is c 16+)

Note: In 2 opening bid a 4NT bid by the 2C bidder asks for number of kings. Responder may not bid 4N at all.
Note in all 5-5+ sequences 4NT is TURBO not BLACKWOOD

Valid responses to 4NT Quantiative

PASS: No interest in SLAM
6|7 NT to play                                             
5C asks partner to show any suit with additional potential trick taking potential.- e.g. Queen or significant useful minor honours
5D|H|S|N(clubs) asks for specific interest in useful additional values in the suit indicated: e.g Queen , useful minor honours or additional length. If not interested bids 5N or PASS. Otherwise close in 5N

2 Sequences

4NT following a 2 opening and any Positive response, is ALWAYS for Kings & NEVER Blackwood.
This bid should normally only be made by the 2 bidder. Occasionally if the NT bidder makes a control request, the response to which would reach or pass 4NT then see this special case given below: '4NT by responder'.

Responses are:
5:      0 Kings
5:      1 King
5:      2 Kings
5:       3 or 4 Kings

5NT Partner jumps to 5NT bypassing 4N in wthat would have been valid for a 4N

Partner is confident of 6N or 7NT
Exceptionally you may PASS with a real good reason but beware partner's wrath if you are wrong!
Usually Call 6N or 7N
YOU may alternatively throw the question back to partner by bidding
6C,,,6S showing better trick potential in the suit bid than what may have been expected.

Cue Bidding and TURBO 4NT


4NT with a jump is ERKCB
In all sequences that have agreed a trump suit
but no cue bidding

That is 4N is neither QUANTITATIVE nor TURBO

See ERKCB responses.

Following special 3C/D and all 5-5+ 2-suited sequences

See 5-5+