Opponent Doubles: 1X(partner) - *(Opp) - ?
VIP Note: This document does not apply following our allerted 1
♣! opening.: Please refer to
1♣ Opening for handling intervention. So 1X applies only to: 1
♦, 1
♥ or 1
♠ openings made by your partner.
Please note:
The following schema deviates from usual accepted continuations in ACOL
- a 2-level new suit bid is to be alerted as WEAK. Redouble and any 1 level suit bid are forcing.
Rubinsohl is not operative following any opponent intervention.
With a Major
fit: Raise
pre-emptively to
2|3|4 level, Spades as high probabilityof being a 5 card
suit may be raised to the 2-level with Hxx that's 3 cards to a top
honour. Exceptionally even
Hx at the 2-level
With Hearts 4+ cards is required
NT!: Trustcot style: A sound raise to at least the 3 level - this is NOT Baron (as used without intervention)
4♣|♦ SWISS. Balanced Sound raise to game, possible unspecified 2nd suit.
This is not a splinter.
With a Diamond
fit: Single raise 10+, see Inverted Minors. Also Do Not show a 4 card major if you have one! The inverted minor raise
does not deny a 4 card major!
However a 5+ card major must always be shown first! Partner must
show a 4 card major over a forcing minor raise as a 4-4 Major fit
may still
be available - but also necessary in exploring the hand
1D-*(opp)-2D(10+ 4+ cards) - 2Ma(4 card)-...
-emptive D raises to 3|4|5 levels
2NT!: A sound raise to at least the 3-level
(as for a major opening)
** Potentially game going values 12+HCP balanced - not
showing OR denying support for partner's suit. willing to play in 1Ma
redoubled! puts pressure on opponents....
Natural, Limited support
Change of suit & fit: 1♥|1♠|2♦
Change of suit: 5+ cards. Treat as a 1 round Force. This bid can have a sizable HCP
range (9)10++!..... permitted due to 1 round force. Use of this extended range
breaks the redouble rule! Particularly useful with 2|3 suits to
communicate. A rebid of 1NT by opener is 12-16
balanced, with a 2♣ Crowhurst inquiry response with 9+ HCP.- just as if the opponent had not intervened.
1NT! Natural NF, and denies a 4 card fit for opener's suitr. Opener may
rebid his 6 card suit
or raise NTs otherwise PASS.
Important rebids by opener:
♣ following a 1
♦ or 1
♠ opening: Shows a 5-5+ hand <7LTC.
rebids 1NT:
Shows 12-16 balanced (Crowhurst). Mandatory 2C rebid by responder
when 9+
Opponents make a new suit overcall: 1X(partner)-1Y(opp)-?
Again please refer to our 1♣! openings for all continuations.
Nothing to
say OR good values in opponents suit. Partner (a good one!) will re-open with a protective double or a second suit
With a major
pre-emptively - 2, 3 or 4 level; Over a 2-level response, trial bids operate.
2NT!: A sound raise to 3-level; 4 card support required
4♣|♦! see SWISS bids: Good raise to game with 4+ card, Balanced 15+
With a 4+ card Ma' At the 1-level a 4 card major must be bid with 4+
HCP. 1-level bids are to be treated as forcing. A 1NT rebid by
partner is 12-16 balanced. At the 2-level 5+ card suit 4-7 HCP is
required & announced as non-forcing. A new suit by partner follows 5-4 rule
With a minor
fit Single raise 10+, see Inverted minors Pre-emptive minor raises to 4|4|5 levels;
2NT!: A sound raise to 3-level & 4+ card support - same as for Major opening!
Negative Double (good7)8+ HCP,
FORCING see Negative Double.
'asking about unbid suits'.With 15+ distributional hand and fit
need to start with a double - then show support on your rebid..
Partners rebid of 1NT is 12-16 with a balanced hand - see Crowhurst..
If opening light -
a simple rebid must be made.
With <8 HCP Bid a new 5 card suit without jump
4 card major OK at 1-level);
Pre-emptive Jumps in
6+ card suits
Natural, Balanced 8-10, Denies good support for
partner's suit,
good holdings in both unbid suits, partner can bid a 3rd suit or bid a
NT contract if partner
guards 'X' well.
3Y 2-suited. At least 5-4 in the unbid suits
To play, Natural, Solid
guard in 'Y' .
Note: A 1NT rebid by opener is structural. It shows a balanced 12-16 HCP (a Crowhurst 2
♣ inquiry response shows 9+ - it does not
promise or deny a guard in partner's suit 'Y'.
Opponents make a weak jump overcall 6+ card suit e.g. 1C!-2Y
* Shows interest in the remaining suits & 10+ HCP
Raising Partner opening are limit bids
Rubinsohl transfers show a 6+ card suit
Negative in nature. Suggests the other 2 suits.
Mandatory with 16+ with exception of SWISS & 4NT tacitly
agreeing partner's suit see below
Natural, Shows Game values, + a good guard in 'Y'. To play unless
partner has other ideas!
Good raise to 3-level in X - Major or minor opening
SWISS bids - Over partner's Major opening, Balanced (but short in 'Y'
ERKCB, agrees partner's suit
Length 7+ cards
With a 1NT strong overcall (Not unusual type): 1X-1NT(opp)-?
Usually 15+ balanced: Opponent is showing values and controls in your partner's suit
A common bid in this sequence!
(9)+ HCP suggests remaining 2 suits
Bid new suit Not
favoured! If an excellent 5 card suit with invitational values use
Rubinsohl or Double
Can be used with a 7+ card suit weak.
Raise partner suit Limit bids
With a 2-suited bid (Cue-bid, 2NT or 3♣ etc)
Raise partner E.g. 1♥ - (2♥ or 2N or 3♣) - 3|4♥ shows limit raises to 3|4 level
4♣|♦ SWISS balanced, Solid raise to game, Slam potential (maybe short in opponents bid suit)
Forcing. Any new suit. Agrees partners suit. Shows Control maybe
2-3 cards. Forcing to
game. Partner may
close in
3NT or 4 of his Major. Slam bidding will be
TURBO. If partner cue-bids, bids 4NT or higher.
2-level Double
(9)10+ Negative Double.
No fit. Usual potential support for unbid suit(s)
3-level Double (11)12+
Negative Double. No fit. Can be converted to penalties. Partner may
also continue with an unbid suit.
Overcalls of 2♦ Multi e.g. 2♦-Y-? or 2♦-*
PASS: with nothing to say. Partner will protect if strong: 3-suited 3C|D, 2NT or a
Protective double with a balanced hand. Also, if weak, competitively discloses a
good 6 card major 2S, 3Ma
Double: shows a normal 2NT response. Partner develops his hand
Overcalls of 2♣ Opening
2♣. conventional responses for all interventions
Overcalls of Strong 2Ma opening