Negative Double
♣ ♥ ♠ ♦
- A negative double occurs when your partner opens the bidding,
then your RHO overcalls in a suit at the 1-level or 2-level or 3-level.
- Its nature is neither that of a T-O double, nor that of a protective double - its completely different in nature
- The key message it gives to partner is that the partnership has
at least the HCP strength to compete safely
at the next level
- The negative double is NOT showing or denying support for partners suit, however he is showing the following:
- Probably lacking any interest in the opponents suit which could be a short suit although he may have an honours
- Promising
some support in all unbid suits - usually at least 3 cards - however a
minor may be a doubleton including a top honour: (A|K|Q)
- Guarantees a minimum of HCP depending on the level of the intervention
- At 1-level: (7)8+ HCP
- At 2-level: (9)10+ HCP
- A suit bid at the 2- or higher level shows a suit 5+ and < the point count shown above.
- A
negative double is NOT a Sputnik double which promises 4 cards in an
unbid major - although unfortunately that is just what many players are
calling a negative double these days (for them just a renamed Sputnik double! & they will overcall the major if they
have 5+ cards in it - that's precisely the old Sputnik double!).
- Opener
will normally bid constructively - but rarely may pass for penalties with a
significant useful trump holding and depending on vulnerability and expected
numberof tricks to beat the contract with
- When playing Beta's kind of negative double, if a simple suit overcall is made then:
Over a 1Club opening see 1C or below
Over any other 1-level opening, followed by
intervention, negative double are used.
- Over 1♣ opening by partner Beta uses suit bids and Doubles over intervention
in a prescribed fashion. However the sequence 1♣-1♥-1S should be
considered as forcing (initially) but with limited strength in
Beta's style of a negative double. After a 1♦-1♥(opp)-* is a neg dbl
Beta style 8+ HCP & 1♦-1♥-1♠ is to be considered as weak not necesarily 5 cards! Beta style then prevails.
If in place of a negative double your partner makes a bid in an unbid denomination AT THE SAME LEVEL then this will be 5+ card suit - this is to be taken seriously although not actually forcing - except at the one-level!
If this bid fits well along with partner's opening bid and your response, he will take positive action.