Analysis of Beta 1-level Openings
1st & 2nd position opening requirements are in order of preference:
10+ HCP Requires 5+ card suit upper
limit is either our 2S opening: a strict 4-5LTC count and some shape
requirements OR our 2D multi opening balanced with 19-20 HCP or 2N
balanced 21-22HCP or 2C unbalanced <4LTC
4-7LTC Requires 5+ Spades & 5+ Clubs: Requires
mandatory rebid of 3C WITH or WITHOUT jump.
1Sbis: A 3rd Hand opening is 4+ cards & HCP may be < 10 with distributional compensation.
1H: 10+ HCP as for 1S above.
1Hbis: 10+
HCP Requires precisely 4-4 in Majors. Upper limit is 18HCP. our
2D multi covers 19-20 & 2N 21-22 or 2C: 23+
1Hbis: This includes 44{41} hands too - rebid when NO Major
fit discovered should be the then in the 3rd suit
1Hbis: 1H opening and a 3C rebid is natural BUT denies a 5-5+ hand
(11)12+ HCP Requires 5+ card suit. Balanced
limited to 12-16 NT rebid & 2N rebid 17-18. Unbalanced hands
<4LTC limited by a 2C opening. Note can only be opened safely with
(10-11) HCP when a clear cut rebid is available - i.e. rebid with 6+
cards OR a new
suit holding a 5-4 distribution.
1Dbis: 4-7LTC
Requires 5+ Diamonds & 5+ Clubs: Requires a mandatory rebid
in Clubs at the 3+ level with or without a jump. (Same as with Spades
above). However
12-14 HCP Balanced. Further shape constraints:
7-9minor cards, 3card minimum in each miner with a top honour. Also Not
suitable for any of the above openings
1C: 12+ HCP Strictly unsuitable for a 1N opening or any over listed above.
1Cbis: This
is the
most frequent of all opening bids so it deserves some mention! It
describes a hand strictly unsuitable for any other system opening bid
and partner must bear this fact in mind in subsequent bidding.
PASS: 0-11 Be prepared to PASS unless suitable for any of our openings
With a 6 card Major and weak open 2D;
With a 7 card Major consider a 3+Ma pre-empt;
a (7)8+ card minor suit consider a 3N gamble or a 4+ mi pre-emptive
opening. Note BETA does NOT have 3mi pre-emptive openings
opening is an adjusted 12-14. Lower for flat 4333 or being Aceless or
for 3+ Jacks. Augment with 2+ Aces or a good (useful) 9's and 10's significantly
supporting higher honours!
Minimum 1C|D openings that lack either a 4 card Major or are Aceless unless containing a 6+ card minor which allowing a rebid of 2mi.
1suit openings should be adjusted -1 HCP when Aceless.
Aproximate Frequency of the 1-level Beta opening bids are roughly as follows:
1C: 15.5%
1D: 8%
1H: 7.5%
1S: 7%
1N: 5%
Total for 1-level openings is: 43%
Average frequencies for Beta 2-level openings are (wider variations occur):
23+ HCP and balanced - 2|3NT rebids OR unbalanced hands 5+ card suit
and <=3.5 LTC. However 5-5+ hands are NOT opened by 2C - as 2C
sequences are NOT designed for 5-5+ hands
2D: 4.5% Includes weak Major 2's
2Ma: 3.25% each Requires a strict LTC count of <= 5LTC
2N: 1.75%
Total for 2-level openings is: 15%
Other openings: (considerable larger variations can occur)
PASS: 36%
3mi: 2%
Pre-empts: 2.5% includes 3Ma, 3N, 4mi
distributional bids with 7+
card Major NOT 7222!
Toatal Others: 42%
Actually as Beta has evolved the % of an opening PASS bid has dropped somewhat and a 1C opening has become more
Alertable Openings
1C! alertable as it can be just 2 cards. In
principal is forcing but Majorless near Yarboroughs can be passed
2C! alertable as a near game bid. Also strictly forcing
multi is alertable 3-way - excepionnaly can be
passed or raised ro 3D1 by a partner holding a 6+ card Diamond suit.
Also bid of 3C (a break-out)
2Ma! alertable 4-5 LTC
3mi! are alertable as 5-5+ or better in RED or MAJOR suits 4-7LTC
Principals behind responder's continuations to opening bids:
Direct 4 card support to Major openings must be shown immediately
1C, 1D and 1Heart openings showing a major of 4+ cards is a
priority - with both show the Hearts first regardless of length!
is forcing if any major showing response is available. 1N is a negative
response denying any Major (PASS if RHO bids usually denies Majors) and
* would show the presence of an unbid Major
If 1N is doubled, Responder bvids PASS|redouble which a are transfers for Clubs or Diamonds respectively.
Beta handles interference bids by opponents in the following ways:
With support for partner - competitive raises,
Trustcott like: 2N over intervention showing support and values to compete soundly at at least the 3-level.
Doubles: Below game deny a fit in partner's suit & suggests interest in unbid
suits. Opener is free to choose: rebid (6 cards), bid a second
suit, make a limit bid in NT's. This is typical of our usage of
'Negative Doubles'. Which also operate over higher level
interventions too but are not usually suggestive of penalties unless
following a weak jump o'call. However negative doubles will always
promise minimum values as follows: At 1-level 8+, 2-level 10+, 3-level
12+ HCP and support for at least 2 possible suitrs(.
Also PASS may be the only bid available in Beta with
substancial values|length in the opponents suit - relying on partner to
re-open with a double!
Please note that doubles in 1C sequences are not Negative! - but usually signalling a specific Major holding.
If opponents open the bidding. Its a different scene altogether in Beta!
2 5 card suits see our comprehensive means to show both suits in one
bid, A T-O * is another weapon of importance, our multi 1NT overcall
handles other possibilities, and simple o'calls are natural.usually 5 card, however may also be a 4 card Major....
In the cases of 1mi openings the basic sequences are all about
locating Major fits: 4-4 5-3 or 6-2! A major piece of the armoury
is a wide ranging NT rebid (12-16) by the opener & Partners 2C rebid shows 9+HCP. if a 4-4 fit has not
been discovered in order to test a 5-3 fit through a 2C inquiry
requiring a 9+HCP count or direct rebis with 6 cards. See 1C & 1D
In the case of a 1H opening a direct fit in hearts must be
shown when holding 4+ cards, otherwise 1S must be bid if 4+ cards are
held. See details in 1H opening.
A weak partner with a (6)7+ card
minor suit and NO Major suit can bid a minor break-out by jumping to
the 3-level!
Corollary: Beta does not make jumps in new suits as responder to show
force! A 2-level bid or simply a change of suit is to be considered forcing.
For full details with all other possible responses see: our opening bids.