Inverted minor sequences
These sequences are simple minor raises
1mi (1Y or * or 1NT) - 2mi: 10+ HCP, 4+ Clubs, Inverted minor raise
is UNLIMITED, FORCING and denies a 4+ card major unless opponents made a
T-O *
Otherwise as usual:
1mi (*) - **
8+ HCP Without
1mi (*)
- new suit
< 8 5+ Card natural
1mi (*) - 1NT
Natural Sliding scale - balanced 8-10(1) or 7-9(1)
(1Y) - *
(1Y) - Z
<8 Natural
etc See 1C sequences
1 -[opp] - 3¦4¦5 Pre-emptive Always denies a 4 card Major that can be shown at the 1-level
1 -[any] -2NT Good raise to 3.
Similarly with Diamonds & with or without any intervention.
Opener's rebids after an inverted minor raise:
Flat hand with guards in the
other 3 suits and (14)-16 HCP
New suit:
Shows a
guard, a protected A¦K,
in the bid suit & in the next higher suit cyclically too but
denies a guard in the 4th suit. Partner can bid 2¦3NT with an A¦K,
otherwise to bid 3 of agreed suit or 4 with a shortage in the 4th suit.
If partner continues by bidding the 4th suit the responder is inveted
with a good guard to bid 3NT.
Rebid 3 of the minor: Either: minimum and¦or lacking 2 guards
2NT: suggests minimum and values are scattered mainly outside the minor - 12-13
15+ HCP lacking 2 suits
Responder's other rebids following inverted minor initial response
Minimum: These bids may be passed: 3 of minor or
2¦3 NT rebid
4¦5 agreed minor Limit bids shows no interest in 3NT
Cue-bid in any
other suit Following opener's rebids of: 2NT
or 3 agreed minor. Leading to minor game or slam (TURBO operates, Agreed minor remains as trump suit)