mi either minor
Ma either Major
! artificial bid - alertable
this prefix indicates a single Jump bid e.g. JS
J2 this prefix indicates a double Jump bid e.g. J2mi
(15)-(18) This means from a 'good' 15 up to a poor 18
* Double
** Redouble
X, Y, Z Represent any different suits
HCP High Card Points (adjusted) 4-3-2-1
+ distributional points: useful Void count: +5, useful Singleton: +3.
xx Small cards: 2-8
H Any one of A, K or Q
-- Void
LTC Losing Trick Count
--> Implies
¦ OR
Ma' Other Major
mi' other minor
S singleton
V void {a,b} usually for both Majors or both minors. Ex: {3,4} means either 3-4 or 4-3
LTC Unbalanced hands: Use Harrison Gray.
NT's Starting with 4321 system: No Ace deduct 1
point; Flat 4333 deduct 1 point; 3+ significant Tens or Nines
supporting honours add 1 point. unsupported or non-supporting Jacks - 1/2 ....
Constructive comments are welcome at: dmhh28@zohomail.com