This is Extended Roman Key Card Blackwood.

The four usual responses to a RKCB are exactly the same in ERKCB!
So here are our complete ERKCB responses:

Note: In the case where a double fit has been expressed there are actually 7 key cards! and 2 Key Queens! Now the 4N bidder must possess at lest 2KCs.  The regular responses to 4N should be preferred in this case even if using the variant above and 5
modified to read 2|5  key cards! & 5N modified to 3|5
Note: Some prefer to reverse the first two responses above. That's a question of taste and there are pls/minuses both ways.
I'm not convinced that 0 should be admitted myself! Also why not 2|0?, 3|1, 4,  odd + key Q, even + key Q,  void + odd KCs,  void +  even KCs

i'm not a fan of RKCB that's true! However in NT slams the KC are all important and the A, K & Q are vital in the 4+ card suits & in 1, 2, 3 card suits  A, AK & AKQ are vital.

While Blackwood has merit for balanced hands aiming at slam contracts; It cannot match cue-bidding with trumps agreed.

How often I see a 4N hit the table propelling the bidding into a slam willy nilly! I counted the outcome of this tactic of a good player of the cards: Achievement was unacceptable: just 1 in 3 such slams were made - It is generally accepted that 50% prob is valid for small slams and 75% prob necearry for a grand.. I personly promote cue bidding & TURBO - unfortunately i observe a general fear of this. Slightly unfair? Maybe....