♣ ♥ ♠ ♦
Crowhurst Convention is a critically important mechanism used in BETA's 1♣ sequences
You open 1♣ - BETA's most frequent opening (approximately 8.5% probability): - 12-18HCP. [not fit for a 12-14 1NT or ANY other BETA opening]
Partner responds by transfers 1♦ shows 5+ Hearts; 1♥ shows 5+ Spades & 1♠ shows 5+ Diamonds or 1NT no major 7-8. Partner may also pre-empt with a 6+ card suit <=8 HCP at the 3-level.
When an opponent Interferes:
1♦ then * shows Hearts; 1♥ then * shows Spades & interferes 1♠ then * shows Hearts. Note preference given to still show Major with intereference.
Opener Rebids:
- Agree suit at the 1-level: e.g. 1C-1D-1H or 1C-1H-1S or 1C-(1D)-*-(P)-1H or 1C-(1H)-*-(P)-1S..... whenever possible.
- CROWHURST - a rebid of - 1N 12-16 HCP Balanced - a rebid following an openings of 1any when no fit is found at the 1-level.
- 2C 9+ HCP Forcing
- 2D 12-14 Diamonds
- 2Ma 12-14 3 card Major support OR 4 card so far unbid Major
- 2N 14-15 HCP
- 3C 16HCP Balanced
- 3D 15-16 HCP
- 3Ma 15-16HCP 4+ card support OR so far 4 card unbid Major
- Responder rebids his suit showing 6+ cards but <9HCP...weak!
- Shows a 2nd suit <9HCP
Other Opener Rebids
- 2D, 2H, 2S 12-14: showing a 4 card fit for partner's suit
- 2N 17-18HCP Balanced - denies fit + FULL PUPPET
- 3any, 15-18 4+ card support