General Description


General Description of Bidding Methods: Natural, 5 card    and  2+ card 's alertable & a 12-14 NT. One exception: with precisely 4-4 in the Majors also opened 1.

1  2+ cards 12+HCP & not suitable for a 1N opening. Transfer responses for majors 4+; 1S 10+no major or 5 minor; P|1N weak; 2mi 5 card 10+; 2Ma 15+ 5+ cards; 2N 16+ bal BARON; 3any break-out 6+ cards weak

1NT Opening: 12-14 Adjusted, shaded in 3¦4th positions to 11-13.

    Shape constraints: 7+ minor cards,  D's 3|4, C's 3-6 Majors minimum 2 cards. Can contain just one 4 card Major. i.e.: {4,2}{4,3}
    Responses: 2 is NP Stayman 2any shows a 4 card suit.; 2¦ are RST; 2 13+HCP Forcing; 2NT, 3, 3,. 3, 3 are all Rubinsohl transfers. 4¦ are transfers to 4¦; 3N: To play
    Opponents bid *: PASS suggests to play; ** tfr to 2's; 2Clubs tfr to 2D's , & RST show 5+ card Majors; .2 13+ HCP, 2N 12HCP; 3N to play.
    Opponents overcall: Minor (likely showing a Major). usually PASS; * Penalty; Rubinsohl if strong

2¦3-level openings & responses:

2:near game force. Responses 4 steps show number of controls (Kings=1 & Aces=2) Steps: 0, 1|2, 3|4, 5+
2: Multi Forcing 3-way. Responses 2(pass or correct), 2(Hearts) or with intervention bid PASS, 2NT Forcing or * in case of intervention. Rebids: 2NT 19-20, PASS or 2|3 ¦ shows weak major two; 3¦3 2-suited 5-5 or better in ++ <7 LTC strict
2¦: 5+&4any, strong <=5 LTC Non-forcing. Responses:  2NT forcing inquiry, Raises: limit bids possibly distributional; 2S Natural 4+ Forcing inquiry; 3mi: Break-out
2¦: 6+ cards <=5LTC strict
2NT: 21-22 May contain a 5 card suit. Responses: Puppet
3¦: 2-suited. Shows +|+ <7 LTC strict. Responses Select one of the indicated suits at 3-level or at 4-level with length. Bidding 3N is a forcing distibutional inquiry , which again can be reverted to one of the indicated suits. Finally a 4N inquiry for partners LTC, steps: 7,6,5,4. or 5432Do not underestimate power of 5-5+ or better hands.

Suit openings of 3H or beyond are all pre-emptive.

Aspects opponents should note:

No additional point count requirement for simple 'reverses'. A 'high' reverse needs  more strength and is automatically forcing as is any NEW suit at the 3-level. If already bid naturally by responder  then a repeat is a STOP bid showing 6+ length and weak < 10HCP
1NT rebid 12-16 balanced with a 2C inquiry (requires 9 HCP) all other bids natural weak.
2NT rebid without jump 12-14 i.e after a 2over1 response - if stronger bid any new suit or 3N as appropriate.
2NT rebid with  jump is 17-18 balanced
Inverted minors are used even if RHO overcalls, but a Major suit is never hidden
Jump rebid by opener in a  new suit is short suit with top controls
1NT overcall is 'unusual': weak or strong with 4+ cards in lowest unbid real suit - available in both 2nd and protective positions.
4NT meaning depends on context - 6 possible meanings!
2 sequences use asking bids for trump support and controls in other suits - always in step responses.

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