

 Definition of a Break-out

A break-out is a bid made by the responder in reply to partners opening bid. Showing a (6)7+ card suit in a weak hand.

A break-out bid is a STOP bid as far as partner is concerned and is usually passed but partner may compete further in the suit.

 The following is a list all the situations in BetaAcol where a Break-out bid may occur listed by opening bid or T-O *

Following partner's opening:

  1. Multi 2 opening: Only minor break-outs.
    • Ex: 2-3mi. This shows a 7+ card suit. If the 2 was a weak 2 then this break-out should be passed. It will usually imply no good support for a weak major. The logic is that the 7 card suit will produce more  tricks through ruffs  and be safer than allowing partner to play in 2Ma. A strong partner, 19-20 Balanced may bid on if holding 3 card support for the minor to 3NT or possibly a minor game.
    • Breakout is still valid if an opponent intervenes with a Double or 2Ma bid: 2-2Ma(opp)-3¦
  2. 2Ma openings: Only minor break-outs.
    • Ex: 2-3mi. Shows a 7+ card suit and explicitly denies support for opener's Major.  Eg V or S or small doubleton at most.
  3. In all cases the break-out is available in any new suit following any 1-level suit opening. Raising partner suit to the 3-level varies:- its a limit bit in a Major & pre-emptive in a minor. But In a new suit its always a weak break-out.
  4. 2 openings: Breakout bid is made beyond the 4th step
    • NEW suit is a break-out 7+ cards OR 6 cards headed by the Q
    • Ex. 2-3¦¦¦.   All breakouts directly in response to a 2 show 0 cntrls
  5. 2 openings - response to a TRUMP REQUEST. Again a breakout is made beyond the 4th step
    • Ex: 2-2(shows 1-2 cntrls)-2N(trump request in Hearts)-3N(club breakout) or 4(Diamond breakout)or 4(spade breakout) 6+ cards. These breakouts deny holding more than xx in partner's request suit.
Following opponents opening bid:-
  1. Partner makes a T-O *. A weakbreakout may be made at the 3-level in any unbid suit.
    • Ex: 1(opp)-*(partner)-3¦¦ are break-outs. Weak 7+ card suits <=7 HCP.  Note 2-level bids are 8+ HCP & showing 2-suits.
    • Ex: 1(opp)-*(partner)-1S(opp)-3mi are break-outs
    • Ex: 1(opp)-*(partner)-2H(opp)-4¦¦ are break-outs
  2. Jump Overcalls of 3mi show a strong 2 suited hand 5-5+! ..: the minor bid and the highest unbid Major STRONG <=5LTC
  3. As a jump cue bid it declares the highest 2 unbid suits and STRONG <=5LTC
  4. A 1N o'call can be many things, however if the 1N bidder after 2C relay: rebids 2H  - shows lowest 2 unbid suits STRONG, OR with a rebid of 3mi shows lowest 2 unbid suits WEAK.