2 Major


All 4 of the following requirements  must be present for a 2 of a Major opening  bid:
a) the acid test is a strict 4-5 LTC. BETA uses Harrington Gray's LTC valuation. Many ask about HCP requirement? BETA does not specify it for 2Ma openings. Distribution will determine the HCP count: With a 5422 (the worst distribution of all) expect c17+ HCP to compensate. With a 5431 it may be slightly more lenient c15 HCP. With a 6-4 even more HCP tolerant!
b) No 5+-5+. distributions - these hands are NEVER to be opened either by 2Ma or with 2.
c) Minimum Distributional requirements: 5+ card major & a 4 card side suit OR a 6+ Card Major  
d) 5431 always preferred to 5422 which often has a further loser - With a borderline & minimum 5LTC & 5422 distribution with a doubleton Major:- consider opening 1Major and rebidding in the 4 card minor suit.
e) A 5 card Major should be headed  by at least a top honour: A or K -. If not: downgrade & open 1Ma. 
f) A 6+ card Major and no 2nd suit  requires a minimum of 2 top honours.
g) A 6322.... distribution usually requires the  highest HCP count.

Note: In all cases of  5-5's See 55+:-  (<= 5LTC). BETA requires one of these opening bids: 3(both red suits), 3(both Majors) or 2(+ or +) or 1|1 & a 3 rebid (+ or +).

Our 2Ma opening bids are of structural importance in  BETA - initially introduced as one of the crucial compensations required for dropping the concept of reverse. It  also helps in other ways: by limiting the top end of a 1Ma opening to c16 HCP - thus limiting the usual  range for a 1Ma opening to 10-c16 HCP. The upper limit on the other hand of a 1Ma opening is when the hand qualifies for a 2Ma opening  of  a  strict <=5 LTC count - its not a question of HCP.

Note 1: These 2Ma openings are technically non-forcing but are rarely passed! Always alert as 'strong non-forcing' - state: <=4|5 LTC if asked further information. These openings MUST never have an LTC count greater than 5 - open these with 1Ma.  usually 1Ma opennings are in the range 5 1/2...7 1/2
Note 2: The first rebid by opener (except when partner makes a direct limit raise) distinquishes 2-suited 5+-4+ (rebid 2nd suit) and from 6+ hands rebid your Major without a 2nd 4 card suit.
Note 3: A 2NT! forcing inquiry response requires an expectancy of achieving at least 9 tricks in the Major. Over a 2opening - a responder must bid 2♠ when holding 4 cards in Spades if otherwise he would call 2N!. In this particular case opener must raise the to 3S with a 4 card spade fit else rebid as if partner had responded 2NT.
Note 4: 2 & 2NT responses are both Forcing to at least the 3-level & avoiding a sequence such as 2-2N-3! which could possibly end in tears!

Summary of Responder's response:
Opener's rebids:
following a 2
or 2NT [Forcing inquiries - promises playable at least at the 3-level.]:

Note. 5-5 hands are excluded as these are bid with other BETA specialised sequences.

Responder's rebids:
